Welcome to Our Online Forums
Guidelines and Usage Policy
This online community forum is for IT Business Partners who are subscribers to the "Buzz" networking meeting, customers, and attendees on Baxter Thompson Associate's courses. This is a private forum in so far any contribution you make or content that is visible is for forum members only and you need to be registered, which is done by attending one of our workshops or courses, subscribing to one of the "IT Business Partner Buzz" meetings or by contacting us.
Usual common sense forum guidelines apply: Be nice, be articulate, be genuine and be helpful.
In using this online forum, you agree that any information you submit is your responsibility to manage and update. In so doing you agree that you represent yourself with the sole interest of personal career development. Baxter Thompson Ltd will store this information subject to the Privacy Policy. Baxter Thompson Ltd reserve the right to remove information and / or withdraw access to those users who they see as not upholding the spirit of the common sense forum guidelines. Baxter Thompson ltd will not be held liable for any infringement of copyright, deformation, slander or any form of abuse conducted by users of the online forum. Users are expressly prohibited from sharing logins or passwords with other people.
You are responsible for keeping your password and user details confidential. We will not ask you for your password (except when you log in to the website).
Want to more information, change details or access? contact us.Benefits
- We don't claim copyright or ownership of what you've written. What's written by you is owned by you.
- What is posted here is free to use except subject to copyright where stated.
- No membership fees.
This forum is open-source, a very comprehensive wiki and you get Karma for engaging on the forum - posting replies questions etc.
Karma Points Needed
- 1 upvote, add comments
- 10 downvote
- 30 insert text link, upload files
- 50 insert clickable link, answer own question immediately
- 75 retag, edit wiki questions and answers
- 100 flag offensive, close own questions
- 200 answer/comment by email
- 300 edit any post, view offensive flags
- 500 accept any answer (after 1 week)
- 750 delete any comment
- 900 lock posts
- 1000 delete any question or answer