Strategic IT Partner Forum June

27/06/2019 09:00 to 27/06/2019 17:00

King's College London
0, United Kingdom

Top Challenges Debate

  • 27/06/2019 14:00
  • S0.12 Breakout Room, King's College

Passionate about an issue you currently have at work? Perhaps you've wondered what other people in a similar position to you are doing? Now you have the chance to gather round and discuss with colleagues and share experiences.  How does this work?  Submit a brief description of the problem. Here, be prepared to lead the conversation if the topic is nominated on the day and then at the event itself, we will post all of the challenges and questions in the hall for you to peruse dur...

Helping People Change The Way They Work

  • 27/06/2019 15:10
  • S0.12 Breakout Room, King's College

Working in a Partner role often means applying influence and persuasion in 1:1 format to make change happen.  But what about a whole team or department? Can we avoid the common pitfalls that stop us from achieving our goals? If so, what is the structure and techniques that would help? Jon will take the latest in the series of workshops - Organisational Change Management and apply the T.E.D.E.T. framework to one of the challenges discussed in the prior Top Challenges Debat...

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