IT BP Forum June

21/06/2018 09:00 to 21/06/2018 17:00

NFU Mutual
0, United Kingdom

The Challenge of Delivering Value

  • 21/06/2018 10:40
  • Oaks Annexe 1

Sarah will present the results of our members survey on Value Management, doing a deep dive into the different aspects that help deliver benefit to the organisations we work for . Sarah will look at the total lifecycle and will suggest some key interventions to address the weak points in the lifecycle. Thus, better equipping us to remove the obstacles that prevent us from attaining Strategic IT Partner goal. ...

Digital is an Adjective

  • 21/06/2018 11:50
  • Oaks Annexe 1

For a discipline that is based on zeroes and ones, IT people are exceedingly sloppy about their use of non-programming language. Take the term “digital transformation”, that everybody seems to be talking about. What does it mean? Transformation of what? What is digital anyway? And while we’re at it, what’s the difference between digital and IT? Mark will pinpoint some paradigms and perspectives to peruse. ...

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